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ALBERTA's lung cancer 
screeningprograM (ALcSP)

For most up to date information, please visit Alberta Health Service's Website 


Beginning in September 2022, eligible Albertans may be able to participate in the ALSP 2 year pilot. Eligible Albertans will need a referral by a primary care provider who belongs to one of the participating primary care networks. Ask your primary care provider if your primary care network is participating in the ALSP.


You may meet the ALCSP eligibility if you meet all of the following criteria: 

  • Are 50 to 74 years of age, AND

  • Are someone who smokes cigarettes or quit smoking after smoking for many years. For example, you smoked 1 pack per day for at least 15 years, or less than 1 pack per day but for more than 15 years.


For more information, speak to your primary care provider, call the ALCSP at 1-866-727-3926 option 4, or take Alberta Health Services' online lung cancer risk assessment here.​

where can i get screened?

Hospitals currently participating in the ALSP:







Peter Lougheed Centre

Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre

Richmond Road Diagnostic and Treatment Centre


High River    

High River General Hospital



Royal Alexandra Hospital


Grande Prairie

Grande Prairie Regional Hospital



Wainwright Health Centre

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