Plus One Campaign
Campaign Objective
The overarching goal of this project is to develop and implement a community-based Plus One Campaign to increase awareness of, access to, and use of lung cancer screening in communities across the United States. Traditional efforts to increase lung cancer screening awareness often include advertisements that are broad, manufactured, and largely ineffective in increasing the overall lung cancer screening rate.
The crux of the Plus One Campaign is that the messaging will shift from directly asking people “Are you eligible for lung cancer screening?” to asking—instead—“Do you have a friend or loved one who is eligible for lung cancer screening?” (the “Plus One Message”). Through word-of-mouth and direct one-on-one conversations about lung cancer screening among students, members of their community, and their friends and family members, the Plus One Campaign will apply a highly novel strategy to increase awareness of and use of lung cancer screening in the United States.
Campaign Aims
Specific Aim #1:
Develop and evaluate the effect of a Plus One Campaign in increasing awareness of lung cancer screening and in increasing the number of individuals eligible for lung cancer screening who get screened.
Aim 1.1: Develop and pilot test the Plus One Campaign at 10 geographically diverse college chapters across the United States.
Aim 1.2: Expand the Plus One Campaign to up to 50 college chapters across the United States.
Specific Aim #2:
Establish a Lung Cancer Screening Referral Network consisting of university students and the community members, friends, and family members that have been reached through this campaign.
The successful implementation of the Plus One Campaign will increase awareness of lung cancer screening among thousands of community members across the United States.
Ultimately, the “Plus One” messages distributed as part of the campaign will move high-risk individuals toward lung cancer screening either directly or indirectly through their friends and family members.
Participating University Chapters
Boston University
Brigham Young University
Colombia University
George Washington University
Harvard University
Jackson State University
Northeastern University
New York University
Rice University
Tufts University
University of California
University of California Berkeley
University of Chicago
University of Michigan
University of Washington
Wellesley College
Vanderbilt University

Our Partner
ALCSI is partnering with the Lung Cancer Research Foundation (LCRF) for our Plus One Campaign to engage college students in a grassroots effort to increase lung cancer screening awareness. We are extremely grateful for LCRF’s help and support!